A sinful city : Mahawargarh

Shivanya's pov


A lost city of Rajasthan. Maps and books do not contain it, as
people are mostly interested in reading about beautiful things and it was the city of sins , it was the city of dead. It was the city of the cruelest king that
no one wanted to discuss. If you happened to stumble upon any
information regarding this city, it's
probably about another Mahawargarh.

Because this Mahawargarh has been lost - for forever.

Nobody is aware of origin or demise of this city. It came, ruled and disappeared in air. Some people used to say that, Mahawargarh was the most exquisite
castle where golden sparrow used to fly around it, where peacocks used to dance all day around , where a sweet fragrance of sandalwood and rose was blended sweetly in the air,where there is just laughter of kids and passion of love all around. However, no one is aware of the reality.

The Rana Sa of Mahawargarh, My Arya(husband) , made the decision to keep it out of literature , to not record anything about it in order to protect this place from the evil gaze of his foes, as well as to shield his people and his darkest secrets. He used to believe that not all lovely should be captured and not all sins deserved to be be punished . Some things should be left as they are.

However, I'm the one writing it. I'm writing this while hiding from him when he's asleep next to me. Though his hands are not in the best position on my ass, it is still a little challenging to write in this position. Even in his sleep his hand is moving and particularly looking for his favourite hole which I know very well. He will keep searching for it until he found it. It is distracting but this is the only time when I can write it.

This book is only for me. When I will get old and my memories will get weak, than still I will be able to remember him because only I know the real him.

This book will get buried with me on my death bed because it contains his and mine secrets, our obsessions, our desire and our journey of pride.

To all the the queens who just want to be free and fly high in the sky with pride. Somewhere , there will be a king who will give you your own wings to help you achieve what you truly deserved.

Either destiny will take you to him, or he, himself will come to you.

*All pics which are used in this book, credit goes to their respective owners.

I hope you all will enjoy it. Hehe..Don't forget to vote and comments.

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