
A novel for a Villain. Because villain loves differently.

             2nd book in VILLAIN SERIES

As a hero can't be hero untill there is villain in the story 🖤. All series are standalone and don't relate to each other.

"Which hole do you want me to fuck badly?"

"Arya, All 3 of them " she replied leaving all shame aside making his eyes turned more dark.

"Strip now "


Shivanya was looking at the scene in front of her not believing in her eyes. She took a step back while fisting sword in her hand in anger

"From today onwards, am your Rana Sa  rajkumari" he smirked while looking at the burning fire in front of his eyes "Your family didn't even try to save you. Hahaha...they agreed so easily to give you as a prize in this war " he mocked her

"Y..you are not my arya(husband) ..you can never be.."she whispered unbelievably" my family agreed because you threatened them" she glared him with tearful eyes  "it's my marriage today, am going to marry prince of jamrath only. Prince Rituraj.  "

"You are right..you are definitely going to marry today "he smirked while holding her hand and pulled her towards him harshly

"But to the prince of Mahawargarh. That's me " he roared like a lion " am not like your family. I will definitely protect you " he continued with his sinister smile while fisting her chin and tilting her head to look at him "  I won you in this war and believe me, I won't let anyone take you away from me now. You are my prize and If anyone even dared to look you with evil eyes than I poke out both of their eyes . Believe me..i won't let any devil come to near you "

He finished with an evil smile on his face and forcefully pulled her towards that little fire while circling around it. The only devil with whom she needs to protect herself now is him only.

Shivanya - A princess for name sake.  A broken soul who just want only one thing in her life. That's is- Respect. She wanted to be pride of her kingdom and for that she has secretly studied everything. From learning war techniques to become ACE IN SEDUCTION. She was the princess full of secrets.

She just wanted to marry a man who she thought she found her perfect man when she met prince rituraj. But her dreams shattered when one day before her marriage, whole  kingdom gets attacked by army of  most powerful and ruthless enemy - Advay Rajput

Rana Advay Singh Rajput  : Also knows as War machine of Mahawargarh and enemy of 20 states. His morning starts with bath of blood followed by Cries of thousands of people begging to him for mercy. But no voice ever reached to his ear.  Wherever he goes, he make enemies everywhere. He doesn't know how to write , read or to love someone.  A king without any great talent.

This is what people used to think about him.

But what is his actual reality ? Is he opposite of all of this or even more worse ?

Read it to find out where  she loves the sound of bangles and he loves the metal clicking of sword. A tale of seduction of bangles and sword.

All pics which are used in this story. Credit goes to their respective owners

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