There's a subtle tension in his jawline and a flush that creeps across his cheeks.

His eyes dark and intense seemed to drink me in. With slow, delibereate movement,he leaned closer, his nose was grazing my skin ever so slowly ,inhaling deeply.

I felt a shiver ran down my spine as his warm breath caressed my skin. It was as time stood still as i couldnt hear anything except his sound filling the air.

My eyes rolled along with my head falls backward

"You are raana sa...you shouldn't do that...it's not a place to do that..and you have taken an oath.." i reminded him quickly feeling embarased. It was a place to touch by your lips.

"What oath ? I don't remember any " he mumbled. My mouth opened in shock.

What does he mean ?

He break his oath so easily ?

I have never seen an oath breaking so soon.

"You are raana sa..it's not a good place to touch...it's not your position " i mumbled while holding his shoulder tightly "It's dirty...dont do that " but my words were betraying my actions.

"Do you want me to stop ?" He asked while kissing my inner thigh, lapping his tongue over the bruise which he gave me some days before.

I could feel wetness dripping out of my core. My body was betraying me. There was sudden excitement filled in my whole body. It was turning hot and needy.

"But it's dirty " i whispered "You never eat what smell bad "

He raised his brows in confusion.

"You didn't eat my gazar halwa because you didn't like it's smell " i lowered my head.

"It's because I don't use carrots for eating " his lips curved in a mischievous smile. I looked him confused.

"I will tell you it's use and it's me who is dirty..let me do all the dirty work fire " he said while moving his palm on my calf and spreading my thighs some more. I gulped down feeling rough touch for the first time.

"Did You fantasize any other man playing with your piercing ?" He asked while stopped for a second.

Play...I have imagined more than that but I won't tell him or he will break it. I slowly shook my head in no.

"Ohh, so you really fantasize someone " his voice turned dark . He took that little star between his teeth while stretching it a little making me dig my nails in his shoulder.

Along with star his teeth was holding skin of my clit too..

"Hayyee.." i fisted my blouse tightly feeling that my clit will get separated from my body. i bite my lips to control my moans .

"Who told you to stop your moan ?" He glared me while pulling back a little

"Narayani is here " i mumbled feeling breathless already

"She won't hear us " he replied while rubbing his thumb over my clit in circular motion

She was just sleeping not deaf. But he didn't seem to hear me at that time as he bite my piercing. But I still didn't open .y mouth.

"You won't listen to me like this..hnn" he clenched his jaw when I felt a harsh slap over my piercing making it shaken completely.



This naughty part of mine started reacting again.


Slap it harder..

Play with it some more..

"Hayye daiyaaaaaaaaaaa " i moaned loudly not able to control anymore "Aahhhhhj...it's already swollen " I winched in pain.

"Perfect " he smirked while moving his thumb up and down on my opening when staring it without blinking. He loves to tease me. I was unaware of what he will do next.

Curiousity and anticipation was increasing by each passing second. His thumb didnnt stop moving even for a second.

My pussy was tortured too much tonight. He pulled back a little to look at my face. We both were grazing each other intensely. His eyes were looking like of a hunter sending a shiver down my spine. I was going to lower my eyes

"Eyes on me " he ordered " don't you dare to look anywhere and see yourself how you smell here " there was dark aura around him at that time.

His voice was so commanding that I can't think of denying it and just than

He touched his lips to my core while staring me whole time making my heartbeat raced uncontrollably.

He lapped his tongue tongue over my vagina from down to up like eating a slice of mango.


No ways I can smell bad or he won't eat me like this.

I smell good..

I smell so good.

My one hand tried to grasp the back of tree to stop myself from moving around. Ground beneath me would have bruised my back. I was purring under his touch like a little wolf.

"You smell like divine fire..how can you smell so good ?" He sniffed one more time before taking out his tongue and started licking me like an animal.

"Aahammmmmmmmm" I couldn't move my eyes from him nor could see in them.

If I hug him i couldn't even hold him in my arms....my both hands can't touch ..it's only when he sucked on my boobs, his body fit in between me so that I can hold him the way i want.

I wanted to hold him in my arms..

He was sucking me..

He was tasting me..

My piercing too...


"Don't move " he ordered when my clit slip from his mouth. I was still feeling nervous.

He put his arm over my chest. It was so heavy. I couldn't move now. I moaned when he bite there harshly making me squirm like a fish.

My nipples get erect begging for his attention. They were aching unknowingly. He was sucking me like it was my mouth.

My boobs feeling ignored

"Arya .." i whispered in low voice while holding his wrist over my chest. This time he moved his attention to me.

"You wanted to colour me right  ?" He asked while glaring me seriously.

Before i could process anything, He immediately snatched my blouse while moving his face in between my cleavage smearing as much colour as i wanted to apply on him.

"A..Arya..Not like this.. I am sweaty " My hand immediately clutched his shoulder while staring at him wide eyes showing that i wasn't expecting this.

His face was running in between my mounds. I always feel amazed how it perfectly fit in between my boobs ?

I was feeling tickling by his beared. All nervousness of my body seems to escape. Now, I was enjoying it.  I couldn't control my giggle...

"Wished me Holi like this every year. Happy Holi fire " he wished me while his one hand was still in between my legs

"Happy Holi Arya" i couldn't control my blush. I was stupid to even think of this idea. He moved his eyes on my boobs which was in attentive position now.

"My ladoos..did they miss me " he asked while licking his lips.

"Too much " i turned into a different person at that time...my boobs were aching so badly . he grabbed fistful of them while squeezing harshly..

Aahah...just like that

He was staring me with his dark eyes like he could see through my soul.

"Maaaaa..Arya.." i winced in pain while held his wrist so he won't remove his hand. It was feeling too good. He immediately latched on my buds making me fall on my back.

"I am so hungry . Chota Bheem...my milk " he mumbled while started sucking them.

"Don't start again...don't you dare to bite me for milk or I will.." i warned him

"What you will do ?" He asked in dangerous tone making me shiver in fear

"Hehe...I am milkless cow...I don't have any milk arya.." i replied while giving him my best sheepish smile

And just than he gave one more harsh suck..

"Isshhhhhhhaahahhhhhh" i moaned feeling loss of air.

"Do you want to take those herbs again?" He asked. His scent, musky and intoxicating mingles with mine. He was sucking like a breast demon who survived only by drinking milk..

He was torturing them.

"These are only my laddoos..you won't give them to anyone fire..keep them with yourself always. " he growled

"I can't separate them from my body. So I can't give them to anyone breast demon " I moaned.

"Will you take those herbs again ?" He asked suddenly

"Why would I take them again ?" I asked while lost in my own world. His mouth on my bud.

Why it feels so good?

But what if he finished the milk. It means our ritual will complete and we can..

No..he break his oath but i won't break it. I will die virgin.

"I won't finish the milk until you want " he smirked devilishly making me look at him..

But why he isn't looking trustworthy.

"Answer me fire...will you take them again ? For forever " He took my breast in his hand moulding them.

"Okay..okay arya...but your hand..something is happening " i moaned when his palm started pressing my core and his all fingers were touching my entrance.

He smirked while giving one huge suck to both of my boobs.

"Now..don't dare to move " he glared me while moving down . But i couldn't stop myself feeling foreign touch there. And this time my both hand fisted his hair so to keep him attached to me.

"Such a dirty girl..my dirty bacha. Now you seem like my fire , who likes to enjoy it" Dont know why he was appreciating me. But feeling it as praise I pulled him more to my clit almost burying his mouth inside me.

"Show me how much you are enjoying it " he started nibbling my core more harshly in hurry.

My head arched more, everything was turning blurry in front of my eyes. My finger fisted his hair more while my other hand was scratching trunk of tree ..


I can feel my core getting wet while trail of water slipping out of it.I held his shoulder while pulling him towards my core..

His tongue traced the outline of my pussy ever so slowly like he has whole life to do that. He moved his thumb and index finger to open my entrance while staring at the water gushing out of it and insert his 2 fingers inside .

"Aahhhh....not together....they are so big.." I was feeling my opening stretched..

"Ohh my fire..these are just finger, to enter my thing there, you have to take my whole hand " he started fucking with his fingers while sucking my pee hole from his tongue.

Whole hand ? How's that possible ?

Have you even seen a lion drinking water from the river.

I also have not seen it untill this moment. Because the way his tongue was moving over my clit, making slurping sound and lapping over it. He was looking like a lion.

Thirsty lion.

"Ahhhhh..." A shriek left my mouth feeling wild sensations returning to my body.

I have never seen him so hungry. He didn't even eat his non veg like this.

His groaning increased as he kept sucking it. My head touched the tree.

Just than i felt his tongue touched opening of my butt. I shivered uncontrollably.

"No no..no.." I moaned.

"Relax..relax bache...you are too sensitive there...my naughty girl "

He kissed my calf to calm me down while started focusing on my clit again. He was tracing inside of it with his tongue...my hand fisted his hair when his tongue reached deep inside.

"What is he eating ?" I saw a thick white liquid coming out of my opening.

Why I didn't die at that time.

Infact i was enjoying it.

He doesn't hate my smell.

I saw his throat moving up and down like he was eating something.

" There is no food that tasted like it because it is far superior to any food i have tasted " he groaned while his mouth was not leaving my core. My thighs were shivering . I noticed the bruise mark which he gave me some days ago. He again bite it tonight.

"Take a deep breath bache..."

I breathed heavily while My fingers brushed at centre of his pant slightly. He wasn't looking fully aroused yet.

"Does he really have a problem ?" A thought came in my mind "does he can't feel aroused untill he saw person naked ?"

He stared me with corner of his eyes while smirking devilishly while rubbing his nose.

"Aaiiyyaaaa..." My attention again moved to his tongue.

"Honey...you are dripping like honey..i will empty you tonight. Tell me fire..for whom this honeypot is producing so much honey ?"

"For arya..." I moaned wish I could wear bangles so I can wrapped my arms around his neck while they were making loud sound. My throat was running dry..

I held his hair while pulling him more towards my core..

"You will be death of me...my tongue can't be separated from your clit " he mumbled excitedly while breathing from nose heavily as he can't do it from his mouth.

How could he talk dirty like this ?

Colour on my breast was wiping out because of the Sweat forming on my skin.

I thought I won't be able to show my piercing to him, but here he was playing with it....he rolled his tongue inside and sensual moan escaped my lips.


I wanted to put my leg over his shoulder and bring him closer. I was feeling insane. He was breathing from his nose because not for once his tongue came out of it.

His one hand was over my knees to stop me from straightening them and can access it easily.

"You are dripping too much rasmalai.. " he mumbled in enthusiasm making me push more water on his face.

My eyes falls on his back. His wounds were healing but There was a mole on his back. I traced my finger on it lightly. He shivered under my touch but didn't stop. I was feeling like to suck it..

Should I suck him the same way he is doing to me ?

What if he smell bad ?

But he always smell so good that make me bite him again and again. His body is so bulky and big, that if I bite him each day, even than I can't cover his whole body till my last breath.

My hips started moved on their own. His carrot was looking heavy. Doesn't it weight in tons.

I felt tip of his third finger on entrance when 2 were already inside inside me while his tongue was working outside of it.

No..he can't be serious about putting his whole hand there.

Slurping noise of his sucking was echoing in whole garden.

I was feeling like pee again..

"Aahahh...arya..Arya..no...it's happening again.." i dig my nails on his back.

"I won't let you squirt yet. You will do it when I want it ..you have to control it..you will do it only when I permit it fire "

(In simple language squirting refers to higher form of orgasm along with release of some liquid/fluids. Not everyone can do that. It depends on body of a person )

I didn't understand what he was trying to say. I didn't even drink any liquid this time still I was feeling sudden urge to release it.

"Arya, you are so innocent. How can I control my pee...and why do I need permission for it ?" I asked shaking my head feeling high

He chuckled while started nibbling it...

"Not me, You are so innocent biwi..innocent in a dirty way " he slapped my butt lightly again

Aahahhhhhhhh...aaahhhh..it's coming..my pee is coming.

I am not innocent.  I have read all kind of books..so I can control my husband but don't know what strange knowledge he has ? Its making me more feel more curious to know about it.

"If you dare to squirt, i will stop right now and won't let you orgasm. Choice is yours " He groaned while warning me.

No no...he can't stop now. Last time when he stopped in middle it was so frustrating. It feels like you took the rod and smash everyone's head untill I realease it.

I can't pee..

"No..no...don't stop..don't stop " Sweat bead formed over my forehead . His lips were swollen , wet and red.

He was tongue fucking me.

I moved my hand over his shoulder . He shivered a little while glaring me but again continued his work.

I also want to make him feel insane like I am feeling like mess right now.

what if i pee in his mouth ?

I felt electricity ran through my body.

"I will never let you take pleasure by yourself. You will need me for that "

He took out his finger while moving hand on my both hips and raised me a little while started sucking me harder.

"Aahhh... "

"You won't be able to take pleasure by yourself. You will need me fire " he mumbled

As soon he removed his finger, i wasn't feeling like to pee but somewhere i wanted to do it now..that sensation was too much. No matter if I do it in his mouth.

Now I was feeling knot building in my stomach.


He smirked while increasing its pace through his tongue "come..come for your arya..show me your fountain "

He moved both hand over my breast and pinched my nipples making a scream left my mouth. I couldn't control anymore. My head falls backward while my legs straighten over his shoulder as I felt it releasing out of my body

"Aahhh. ! ..aahhh....aryaaaaa..." I moaned loudly not able to control my voice. I have never seen him this hungry. He never eat even non veg like this. It was even getting more difficult to see in his eyes.

It seems he will eat me with his eyes only.

"Come on..release it..give me my rasmalai..." He was sipping it like sucking it out from a bottle without wasting even a little.

but along with that white liquid I felt that I squirt a little which he was saying.

But no it was feeling like pee. It was very little but i could feel it. It was little enough to crave me to do it again...how will it feels when I realease that too...I have to find out what kind of pee was that .he was sucking it without wasting any drop of it.

Don't forget to go on the main story and read rest of the chapter and also don't forget to vote and comment there

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